Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The search begins...

Yup. It's that time again. 

The search for the perfect winter coat begins. Not quite as exciting (or as cheap) as looking for my summer cover-up. But none the less, one of the most important, time consuming and time sensitive purchases of the year. So, do you get it? This and paying your taxes...essential. Very important. Stressful. And now, I sound slightly neurotic. 

My search was stimulated by the amazing coats at Carven's Fall show.  And for the love of God, don't even say, "who's Carven?" I may have to smack you. They are 50's wrap coats in candy coated colors that make you say f-winter. Oversized and over the top. Obsessed. And I'm going as far to say that if you don't feel equally as crazy for it, I just can't like you. Really, we can't be friends. 

So I feel like I'm going B-A-N-A-N-A-S looking for this coat! It almost has me wishing for winter. Almost. 


  1. Hi Courtney!

    I hope all is well!

    My name is Alana Winns and I am a student at Columbia University reporting on the Park Slope area. I am currently doing a piece on mothers being the primary providers or sole providers of their household. The story would touch on the balance between motherhood and pursuing a career (and for some, being a wife as well). In some cases, the men stay home and and the woman goes to work. Would you be interested in telling your story or know of anyone in Park Slope who would?

    If so, my e-mail is :)

    Thank you!


  2. Common Denominator adalah wujud pengakuan bahwa manusia itu tidak sama. "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" mungkin dapat diartikan Common Denominator karena memiliki makna yang menyerupai yaitu "Walaupun berbeda beda tetapi Satu Jua". Istilah inilah yang akan dibahas tentang (Baca Selengkapnya...)
